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Tablets Help Us Tick! How portable devices improve organization and efficiency.

As we become a more and more connected world and workplace; it is now time to add tablets to the “Project Superintendent Toolbox” as a standard item to assist in supervising projects.

When used correctly, tablets streamline many different processes during the workday for project superintendents.

Instant Access To Important Documents

Tablets provide easy access to critical Construction drawings through file sharing applications such as Dropbox, Fieldwire, or Plangrid as well as instant access to critical construction documents such as Purchase orders, Subcontract agreements, Approved submittals, etc.

Remote Meetings

Tablets can enable face-to-face meetings remotely with the home office and / or design team to resolve issues.

Access to Digital Tools and Tutorials

Tablets provide access to installation videos and instructions for new products and installations.

Review Management Software

Tablets make it convenient to review and monitor project schedules in real-time, in the field, using programs such as Microsoft Project as well as construction management programs such as Procore, Priavera, etc. It also helps us access weather information to make educated informed decisions on upcoming construction activities from anywhere at any time.

Create & Organize Data for Reports

Tablets give us the ability to generate and distribute accurate daily field reports, including pertinent data and photos.

Lee Penson, founder of Penson, the super-innovative commercial architectural firm behind Google’s famous inflatable office space, says: “Technology can make you fly. It will unlock potential and give you freedom, but you have to be committed to it.” He is a big advocate of using smart devices in construction.

“Snagging a job – checking a project over for last-minute adjustments and minor faults – can take a large amount of time, but newly developed apps and mobile-based solutions are not only quicker to input information into, but it means a paperless system that ensure no information is lost,” Mr Penson continues. “The information can be read instantly by others elsewhere on the construction site and in the office.”

By Senior Project Manager Andy Garcia

Sources: www.raconteur.net

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